The following template is an editable sample of Philippines Manila Electric Company (Meralco) electricity utility bill in .doc format.
Customize this template as you like.
You DO NOT need Photoshop to edit. Just use MS Word to fill in the gaps.
We made the sample in doc format, as it has many advantages:
– easily download small size file,
– easily modify your information
– print / save in different formats…
Forget about Photoshop and PSD format, only Word is you need for this template.
We designed a template for people who do not have Photoshop or design skills, but need the template for their work, research, presentation, media or something else.
Purchase, get link, download the doc extension file absolutely FREE and change the text, photo, logo, billing summary, account usage details and anything else you need.
The template is very good to print, scan and many time uses.
The fonts we use in the templates are very important. That’s why it’s essential to use fonts, that look not only stylish but are also functional.
The fonts of our modern resume templates have easy readability, that catch the eye of the modern employer.
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