Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) utility bill psd template editable

Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) utility bill psd template editable

Mexican fake Utility bill psd template. The Comisión Federal de Electricidad (English: Federal Electricity Commission) is the state-owned electric utility of Mexico, widely known as CFE. It is the country’s dominant electric company, and the country’s second most powerful state-owned company after Pemex. in Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) utility bill psd template editable | Comisión Federal de Electricidad de México factura falsa psd. The Mexican constitution states that the government is responsible for the control and development of the national electric industry, and CFE carries out this mission. The company’s slogan is “Una empresa de clase mundial” (“A World-Class Company”).

Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) utility bill psd template editable

The Federal Electricity Commission (Comisión Federal de Electricidad – CFE) is a productive state enterprise. It aims to provide transmission services and distribution of electricity for and on behalf of the Mexican State. Additionally, CFE performs the generation and sale of electricity and related products, as well as import, export, transport, storage, purchase and sale of natural gas, coal and any other fuel, the development and execution of engineering projects, geological and geophysical activities, research, development and implementation of energy sources. in Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) utility bill psd template editable | Comisión Federal de Electricidad de México factura falsa psd


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